The Reactor Core

Where the engineers hang out

0 - Starting a Blog

Published 2020-03-29


Hi, I'm Caleb. Welcome to my blog. I'm going to put my thoughts here. You should start a blog, too, so people can read your thoughts. Imposter syndrome will tell you you're not worthy to have a blog. Don't listen to it. Listen to cool people like Chris Krycho, who inspires me, and gave me the idea to try Eleventy (11ty?) for my static site generator. Thanks also to Andre Bogus (better known as llogiq) for putting his incredibly well formatted and simple blog into the public domain. I have shamelessly copied some of his CSS.

All the other HTML and CSS around here is hand-crafted by yours truly, so you know who to talk to if it's not that great. There's a surprising amount of yak shaving that goes into creating a website like this by hand, from scratch. For example, your css @media queries don't work unless you also have a meta viewport tag, like <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">. You can set a min and max scale here, but on behalf of all our grandparents, please don't. It's horrible for accessiblity.

What are you going to post here?

Who knows? Could be anything. If you've gone to my about page, you can see what I'm interested in. I learned Java in college, but I hated that you needed 5-10 lines just to write hello world to the terminal. I rebelled and picked python whenever I was allowed to. I still do for any projects that are purely for fun. Django is awesome, requests is a joy, and jupyter is something unique and special all its own. Readers coming here from the rust language community will probably recognize the two names I dropped above. I'm still learning rust (slowly, in the little spare time I have), and it looks like it's well positioned as the best modern language for a large variety of things. I do ruby and rails for my day job, with a heavy dose of react and ES6 on top.

In addition to programming, I also like to write (surprise!), read, and play games of all sorts. I like abstract thinky strategy board games like Azul, Splendor, and Reef. I like action platformer video games, especially metroidvanias, and factory builders like Factorio and Satisfactory.

I might talk about many of the above things. I might go off on a tangent about math, or science, or modern events. It's hard (as a writer), to nail yourself to a genre or category before you've even really started. I do expect many of my posts to be slightly rambly, though I will try to at least provide headings as an outline so you can skip to the good parts.

Thanks for reading, and please feel free to fork and PR this repo if you catch any spelling, grammar, or usage mistakes (or other mistakes).