The Reactor Core

Where the engineers hang out

About Me

Hi! My name is Caleb. I'm a software engineer sometimes, and a devoted husband and father all the time. I mostly do ruby on rails and react for $WORK, but I learned some C and Java in college, and I do side projects in the fastest growing and most loved languages (python and rust, respectively). I'm an avid gamer, and play lots of board games and video games. I'm also a big font nerd, and one of those crazy vim mode types.

About this Blog

Where'd the name come from?

If you've ever played any of the Mass Effect games, all of the engineers hang out at the reactor core at the back of the ship.

The Reactor Core of the Normandy from Mass Effect

Why did you pick chartreuse (bright yellow green)?

I also have played a bunch of modded minecraft, and yellorite/yellorium are this color. Combined with the warmer gray I'm using for the background, it feels nuclear to me.

How did you make the glow effect?

Some googling and stack overflow. You can see the full CSS here, but it's basically an animation using the text-shadow property.

What's that thing at the bottom? Some kind of diamond?

Yes! That is actually made using the html escape for diamond. The proper name for it is a Tombstone, or QED mark for the latin quod erat demonstrandum, literally "which was to be demonstrated". It's used to indicate that you've reached the end without resorting to long-winded rambling on and on about nothing in particular until people stop reading...